What is the best way to pass online exam in UAE

Online exam is similar to traditional. However it has some specific features, which have to be taken into consideration by students to score the highest marks in online exams.We are here to provide necessary information for how to crack online exam tests.This will beneficial to understand all the peculiarities of the appearing examination type. To learn these tips it will help you to avoid common mistakes, while giving online examinations. It may have a negative effect on your overall performance.
Before starting with an online exam, you should know what is the type of our online exam in which we are appearing. These are:
- Online test
- Quiz
- Proctored exam
- Take home exam
Many schools,colleges and universities in UAE conduct their internal assignment online, due to novel corona-virus disease (COVID -19) breaks. Online exams require different approaches compared to pen and paper exercise.It involves changes in the way examinations are scheduled, design conduct,monitor and evaluations. Are you really excited to know what is the Average time spend by UAE Students to do Homework. Through this article you can calculate your average time spend to do homework easily.
Students can take orders to succeed on their online examinations. We describe them below, these tips beneficial for every student who are appearing in online exam UAE :
Before the exam
- Read and understand the guideline of online Exam: Before appearing in the exam, once you should read the instruction & guideline of the online exam carefully. Be sure about all of these questions like: When will the exam be held and their place? How much time is given to complete an online exam test? Can you take an exam at home or at a specific place? Is there any format outlined by the instructor?
2. Take a demo of your exam: once you should take a demo of your appearing online exam so that you can gain more confidence about the online exam.
3. Know the test format: Before appearing in the exam , you should know the exam format like multiple choice of questions,fill in the blanks, descriptive type and brief answer.
4. Check your computer and their internet connection: By following these tips, you can avoid your last minutes problem!! Whether you are using your own computer or lab, once you should verify your internet connection and computer like correct hardware and software well in advance.
5. Once review your study material: Still, it is important to review your notes and study material before appearing in the examination. It will help you to score A+ grade in the online exam. Don’t start your preparation a day prior to examination.
6. Plan your time : As you test yourself, limit your time to that which will be allotted for actual tests and spend time according to question weight age. Don’t spend too much time answering one question.
7. Avoid distractions: You should avoid distractions like mobile , laptop notification.Always sit in a quiet place. Tell your roommates or family know that you will be taking a test, so that less interrupts you during that time.
8. Take a deep breath: once you logged in take a deep breath, so that you will feel relaxed and more focused in the online examination.
During the Exam:
- Close all applications: Once you logged in into your online site, Make sure to close all unwanted sites. It may be the reason for hanging your computer or laptop.
2. Keep your eye on watch: Set your alarm to notify that you have limited time. It will be helpful to attempt more questions and give a qualitative answer to the question.
3. If the instructor allows you, then take a print or save copy of your given answer: This tips helpful to prove that you have technical issues during the test or if you encountered issues while submitting your answer.
4. Faced any Technical Problem? Then don’t panic: To handle these situations you should immediately contact your instructor. They will help you to resolve your problem. If you received any error message then take a screenshot it will help you to resolve your problem instantly.
5. Review all answers once again: Before submitting your online test once make sure that review all your answers once again.
6. Click the Submit button: Once you have done so, make sure to press the submit button.
After the Exam:
- Analyze yourself: After submitting your online exam. Once you should analyze yourself like How do you believe you attempt right? Which type of questions create more confusion in the examination? Did you skip anything? Return to your notes and reading again
2. Ask Yourself how you can improve in the upcoming exam: Did your study strategies work? Did your plan for taking an online exam prove successful ? Note down your observation and keep them in your mind for the next time.
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